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Young Family

Naturopathic Consultation

Heal from the root

Are you tired of experiencing symptoms that you have to mask?
Maybe you’re only using a ‘quick fix’ solution,

but it’s not really healing the problem?

Perhaps it’s time to dig deeper to explore what the real underlying cause is?

If you want to feel and live better,

it’s probably time to try a different approach!

You don’t’ need to continue living with the same issues,

feeling helpless

and unsure of what’s really happening in your body!

In a naturopathic consultation,

we will be assessing your condition holistically,

from digestion, to sleep, energy levels, lifestyle, diet and the list goes on.


We WILL get to the bottom of what is triggering your symptoms!

We investigate all the information you provide us,

and piece is together like a puzzle!

This is how we can support you to ‘heal from the root’

Heal from the root and notice the change in your quality of health and wellbeing!
We are here for you and offer 1 on 1 support and coaching.

So, are you ready for change?

Are you ready to heal?



We really want to ensure that we are providing the best support for your health goals.  Start from 3 initial sessions.


Discovery & Investigation

We will take a deep case taking thoroughly. You will leave with a personalised treatment plan to suit your health goals. If required, testing and referrals will also be organised.


Reveal & Move forward


Your second consultation will ideally take place around 2-4 weeks after your initial session. This session will provide us further direction as to what is causing your health condition/symptoms. This session will also include recommendations for any nutritional supplementation, herbal medicine, or various other holistic treatments that may be best suited to  support your condition. Test results can also be assessed and explained. 


Reveal & Get the baseline

Your third session will be conducted after approximately 4 weeks to discuss how you are managing and adjusting to your treatment plan. We will also discuss the progress of the SMART goals developed together and acknowledge any milestones achieved by this stage. It is also an opportunity to reflect and assess on whether this plan is working well for you and if you have any concerns. If not, we can consider making changes and improvements where applicable and appropriate to your needs and health goals.


Nutritional advice

100% personalised about WHAT to eat & HOW to eat

(*We NEVER suggest set diet like "OO diet" - we believe everyone is different and no one diet protocol fits everyone)


Lifestyle advice

Stress & mind management advice

Breathing techniques

Personalised exercise suggestions 

Clinical Natural Medicine

Suggestion of therapeutic treatment 


Pathology/ functional test referrals available (if required)

This is what our clients are saying!

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