*Digestive issues - Bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhoea, heartburn
*Fatigue, Low energy
*Craving for sugars and carbohydrates
*Skin problems
*Become easy to get sick
*Food allergy and sensitivity
*Rheumatoid arthritis
*Brain fog
*Weight gain/loss

We are becoming more aware about the importance of gut health for our overall health and it is one of increasing research in the medical community.
Our gut flora consists of trillions of different bacteria (We have at least 1000 different species!) and they are playing critical role in our system such as digestion, keeping healthy immune system and synthesis of nutrients.
However, when the gut flora become 'imbalanced', it seems to cause a lot of issues like listed above.
Yes, not just typical digestive issues. It goes waaaaay beyond just digestive issues.
Also it's not just about 'good' and 'bad' bacteria.
is organic compound that our bacteria produce, and can cause inflammation, gas and can be good one for our gut movements.
Parasite infection , Yeast infection
Could be the cause of your low iron.
If you are ticking the boxes above, I highly encourage you to investigate your digestive health before you invest in probiotics or 'health food'.
If your root cause is clear,
The path for improvement will be clear too.
More info about home stool test from here
Gut microbiota for health. Gut microbiota info. Retrieved from URL: https://www.gutmicrobiotaforhealth.com/en/about-gut-microbiota-info/
Saurabh, S. (2018). What's an Unhealthy Gut? How Gut Health Affect You. Retrieved from URL: https://www.healthline.com/health/gut-health
