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Think before taking probiotics! The Secret to a Stronger Gut..

When it comes to improving your digestive health, many people consider taking supplements like probiotics, prebiotics, or LSA. While these products are popular and promoted as beneficial, it's crucial to remember what your gut is made of – mucous membranes. These membranes, also known as the gut wall, play a vital role because they are the absorption points in your digestive system.

Imagine your gut wall as a protective barrier, like a shield made of mucous membranes. If this shield is damaged or not in good condition, it won't effectively absorb the nutrients you need, regardless of how many supplements you take. So, before investing in supplements, it's essential to focus on keeping your gut wall healthy. Did you know your vitamin D deficiency could be the cause of your digestive problems? Think of your gut lining as a sturdy wall that protects your body from intruders. This wall is made up of tightly packed bricks and mortar, forming a strong barrier. Now, imagine that these bricks represent the cells in your gut lining, and the mortar symbolizes the tight junctions between these cells.

When you lack enough vitamin D, it's like having weakened mortar between the bricks, making the wall vulnerable. The vitamin D receptors in your gut are like workers who reinforce the mortar, ensuring it's strong and tightly sealed. When vitamin D activates these receptors, it strengthens the mortar, helping to maintain the integrity of your gut barrier.

Additionally, vitamin D acts like a shield, promoting the production of mucin, a protective layer covering the cells of your gut lining. This shield makes it harder for harmful substances to breach the wall. Vitamin D also acts as a peacekeeper, calming down any inflammation that might be trying to break through the barrier.

By making sure you have enough vitamin D, you're essentially giving your gut wall the support it needs to stay strong and resilient. This, in turn, enhances your digestive health by preventing unwanted intruders from entering your body and causing problems.

Does your body really have sufficient vitamin D? In Australia, summer is well underway, and while some people are really feeling the heat, it might surprise you to know that less than 5% of my patients have sufficient vitamin D levels! While your pathology paper may show '>50 nmol/L' is sufficient, the true ideal vitamin D level is up at 150 nmol/L. On top of digestive problems, you are lacking you may also feel like this if your vitamin D level is low;

  • Fatigued

  • Prone to getting sick/unwell

  • Low mood

  • Feels weak

"I get lots of sunshine so should be alright!"

Vitamin D from sunlight and vitamin D-rich foods can't be used by your body right away. First, your kidneys and liver need to do some work on them to make them usable. So, if your kidneys and liver aren't working well, your body might struggle to use vitamin D effectively, even if you're getting enough from sunlight or food.

Summary Ensuring a healthy gut wall is crucial for absorbing nutrients and preventing digestive issues. Vitamin D deficiency can weaken this protective barrier, leading to various problems. Despite getting sunlight, many people lack sufficient vitamin D, affecting energy, mood, and immunity. To assess your vitamin D levels and overall health, consider our pathology interpretation service to guide your journey to better well-being. Take care x Saya


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Saya is a fully registered Clinical Naturopath who undergone extensive research and experiences in digestive health. 

After seeing many clients over the years, Saya recognises restoring digestive health can make a big difference in their overall health including ; Hormone balance, Nutritional status, Skin health and even Metabolic function


Hence, Saya is so passionate about having deep understanding of her client's life journey and investigating their digestive health as 'the true root cause'.


DISCLAIMER: We are so passionate about providing you helpful information, however any information provided on this website is not intended to be a substitute for health and medical advice. Always seek a qualified healthcare/medical practitioner before proceeding on any of advice provided on this website.  



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